1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261
//! Lossy compression for F32 data, but lossless compression for U32 and F16 data.
// see https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr/blob/master/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfPxr24Compressor.cpp
// This compressor is based on source code that was contributed to
// OpenEXR by Pixar Animation Studios. The compression method was
// developed by Loren Carpenter.
// The compressor preprocesses the pixel data to reduce entropy, and then calls zlib.
// Compression of HALF and UINT channels is lossless, but compressing
// FLOAT channels is lossy: 32-bit floating-point numbers are converted
// to 24 bits by rounding the significand to 15 bits.
// When the compressor is invoked, the caller has already arranged
// the pixel data so that the values for each channel appear in a
// contiguous block of memory. The compressor converts the pixel
// values to unsigned integers: For UINT, this is a no-op. HALF
// values are simply re-interpreted as 16-bit integers. FLOAT
// values are converted to 24 bits, and the resulting bit patterns
// are interpreted as integers. The compressor then replaces each
// value with the difference between the value and its left neighbor.
// This turns flat fields in the image into zeroes, and ramps into
// strings of similar values. Next, each difference is split into
// 2, 3 or 4 bytes, and the bytes are transposed so that all the
// most significant bytes end up in a contiguous block, followed
// by the second most significant bytes, and so on. The resulting
// string of bytes is compressed with zlib.
use super::*;
use crate::error::Result;
use lebe::io::ReadPrimitive;
// scanline decompression routine, see https://github.com/openexr/openexr/blob/master/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfScanLineInputFile.cpp
// 1. Uncompress the data, if necessary (If the line is uncompressed, it's in XDR format, regardless of the compressor's output format.)
// 3. Convert one scan line's worth of pixel data back from the machine-independent representation
// 4. Fill the frame buffer with pixel data, respective to sampling and whatnot
#[cfg_attr(target_endian = "big", allow(unused, unreachable_code))]
pub fn compress(channels: &ChannelList, remaining_bytes: ByteVec, area: IntegerBounds) -> Result<ByteVec> {
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")] {
return Err(Error::unsupported(
"PXR24 compression method not supported yet on big endian processor architecture"
if remaining_bytes.is_empty() { return Ok(Vec::new()); }
// see https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr/blob/3bd93f85bcb74c77255f28cdbb913fdbfbb39dfe/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfTiledOutputFile.cpp#L750-L842
let remaining_bytes = super::convert_current_to_little_endian(remaining_bytes, channels, area);
let mut remaining_bytes = remaining_bytes.as_slice(); // TODO less allocation
let bytes_per_pixel: usize = channels.list.iter()
.map(|channel| match channel.sample_type {
SampleType::F16 => 2, SampleType::F32 => 3, SampleType::U32 => 4,
let mut raw = vec![0_u8; bytes_per_pixel * area.size.area()];
let mut write = raw.as_mut_slice();
// TODO this loop should be an iterator in the `IntegerBounds` class, as it is used in all compressio methods
for y in area.position.1..area.end().1 {
for channel in &channels.list {
if mod_p(y, usize_to_i32(channel.sampling.1)) != 0 { continue; }
// this apparently can't be a closure in Rust 1.43 due to borrowing ambiguity
let sample_count_x = channel.subsampled_resolution(area.size).0;
macro_rules! split_off_write_slice { () => {{
let (slice, rest) = write.split_at_mut(sample_count_x);
write = rest;
}}; }
let mut previous_pixel: u32 = 0;
match channel.sample_type {
SampleType::F16 => {
let out_byte_tuples = split_off_write_slice!().iter_mut()
for (out_byte_0, out_byte_1) in out_byte_tuples {
let pixel = u16::read_from_native_endian(&mut remaining_bytes).unwrap() as u32;
let [byte_1, byte_0] = (pixel.wrapping_sub(previous_pixel) as u16).to_ne_bytes();
*out_byte_0 = byte_0;
*out_byte_1 = byte_1;
previous_pixel = pixel;
SampleType::U32 => {
let out_byte_quadruplets = split_off_write_slice!().iter_mut()
for (((out_byte_0, out_byte_1), out_byte_2), out_byte_3) in out_byte_quadruplets {
let pixel = u32::read_from_native_endian(&mut remaining_bytes).unwrap();
let [byte_3, byte_2, byte_1, byte_0] = pixel.wrapping_sub(previous_pixel).to_ne_bytes();
*out_byte_0 = byte_0;
*out_byte_1 = byte_1;
*out_byte_2 = byte_2;
*out_byte_3 = byte_3;
previous_pixel = pixel;
SampleType::F32 => {
let out_byte_triplets = split_off_write_slice!().iter_mut()
for ((out_byte_0, out_byte_1), out_byte_2) in out_byte_triplets {
let pixel = f32_to_f24(f32::read_from_native_endian(&mut remaining_bytes).unwrap());
let [byte_2, byte_1, byte_0, _] = pixel.wrapping_sub(previous_pixel).to_ne_bytes();
previous_pixel = pixel;
*out_byte_0 = byte_0;
*out_byte_1 = byte_1;
*out_byte_2 = byte_2;
debug_assert_eq!(write.len(), 0, "bytes left after compression");
Ok(miniz_oxide::deflate::compress_to_vec_zlib(raw.as_slice(), 4))
#[cfg_attr(target_endian = "big", allow(unused, unreachable_code))]
pub fn decompress(channels: &ChannelList, bytes: ByteVec, area: IntegerBounds, expected_byte_size: usize, pedantic: bool) -> Result<ByteVec> {
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")] {
return Err(Error::unsupported(
"PXR24 decompression method not supported yet on big endian processor architecture"
let options = zune_inflate::DeflateOptions::default().set_limit(expected_byte_size).set_size_hint(expected_byte_size);
let mut decoder = zune_inflate::DeflateDecoder::new_with_options(&bytes, options);
let raw = decoder.decode_zlib()
.map_err(|_| Error::invalid("zlib-compressed data malformed"))?; // TODO share code with zip?
let mut read = raw.as_slice();
let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(expected_byte_size.min(2048*4));
for y in area.position.1 .. area.end().1 {
for channel in &channels.list {
if mod_p(y, usize_to_i32(channel.sampling.1)) != 0 { continue; }
let sample_count_x = channel.subsampled_resolution(area.size).0;
let mut read_sample_line = ||{
if sample_count_x > read.len() { return Err(Error::invalid("not enough data")) }
let (samples, rest) = read.split_at(sample_count_x);
read = rest;
let mut pixel_accumulation: u32 = 0;
match channel.sample_type {
SampleType::F16 => {
let sample_byte_pairs = read_sample_line()?.iter()
for (&in_byte_0, &in_byte_1) in sample_byte_pairs {
let difference = u16::from_ne_bytes([in_byte_1, in_byte_0]) as u32;
pixel_accumulation = pixel_accumulation.overflowing_add(difference).0;
out.extend_from_slice(&(pixel_accumulation as u16).to_ne_bytes());
SampleType::U32 => {
let sample_byte_quads = read_sample_line()?.iter()
for (((&in_byte_0, &in_byte_1), &in_byte_2), &in_byte_3) in sample_byte_quads {
let difference = u32::from_ne_bytes([in_byte_3, in_byte_2, in_byte_1, in_byte_0]);
pixel_accumulation = pixel_accumulation.overflowing_add(difference).0;
SampleType::F32 => {
let sample_byte_triplets = read_sample_line()?.iter()
for ((&in_byte_0, &in_byte_1), &in_byte_2) in sample_byte_triplets {
let difference = u32::from_ne_bytes([0, in_byte_2, in_byte_1, in_byte_0]);
pixel_accumulation = pixel_accumulation.overflowing_add(difference).0;
if pedantic && !read.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::invalid("too much data"));
Ok(super::convert_little_endian_to_current(out, channels, area))
/// Conversion from 32-bit to 24-bit floating-point numbers.
/// Reverse conversion is just a simple 8-bit left shift.
pub fn f32_to_f24(float: f32) -> u32 {
let bits = float.to_bits();
let sign = bits & 0x80000000;
let exponent = bits & 0x7f800000;
let mantissa = bits & 0x007fffff;
let result = if exponent == 0x7f800000 {
if mantissa != 0 {
// F is a NAN; we preserve the sign bit and
// the 15 leftmost bits of the significand,
// with one exception: If the 15 leftmost
// bits are all zero, the NAN would turn
// into an infinity, so we have to set at
// least one bit in the significand.
let mantissa = mantissa >> 8;
(exponent >> 8) | mantissa | if mantissa == 0 { 1 } else { 0 }
else { // F is an infinity.
exponent >> 8
else { // F is finite, round the significand to 15 bits.
let result = ((exponent | mantissa) + (mantissa & 0x00000080)) >> 8;
if result >= 0x7f8000 {
// F was close to FLT_MAX, and the significand was
// rounded up, resulting in an exponent overflow.
// Avoid the overflow by truncating the significand
// instead of rounding it.
(exponent | mantissa) >> 8
else {
return (sign >> 8) | result;