1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181
//! Traits and functions for casting colors to and from other data types.
//! The functions and traits in this module cast without changing the underlying
//! data. See the [`convert`](crate::convert) module for how to convert between
//! color spaces.
//! # Traits or Functions?
//! This module provides both a set of traits ([`FromComponents`],
//! [`IntoUints`], etc.) and a set of functions ([`from_component_slice`],
//! [`into_uint_array`], etc.) that effectively implement the same
//! functionality. The traits are all implemented using the functions, so they
//! can be seen as bits of more implicit syntax sugar for the more explicit
//! functions.
//! A general recommendation is to use the traits, since they provide mostly
//! better ergonomics.
//! # Arrays and Slices
//! Types that implement [`ArrayCast`] can be cast to and from arrays and slices
//! with little to no overhead. This makes it easy to work with image buffers
//! and types from other crates without having to copy the data first.
//! Casting can be either be done with the free functions in this module, or
//! using the helper traits.
//! ## Casting Arrays
//! Arrays can be type checked to have the correct size at compile time, making
//! casting free after optimization has removed the overhead from asserts. The
//! same is true for arrays in slices and `Vec`s, because the length stays the
//! same after casting.
//! ```
//! use palette::{cast::{self, ArraysAsMut}, Srgb, IntoColor};
//! let color = cast::from_array::<Srgb<u8>>([23, 198, 76]).into_linear();
//! // Note: `Srgb::<u8>::from([23, 198, 76])` works too.
//! let mut buffer = [[64, 139, 10], [93, 18, 214]];
//! let color_buffer: &mut [Srgb<u8>] = buffer.arrays_as_mut();
//! for destination in color_buffer {
//! let linear_dst = destination.into_linear::<f32>();
//! *destination = (linear_dst + color).into_encoding();
//! }
//! ```
//! Trying to cast a single array of the wrong size will not compile:
//! ```compile_fail
//! use palette::{cast, Srgb};
//! let color = cast::from_array::<Srgb<u8>>([23, 198]); // Too few components.
//! ```
//! ## Casting Component Buffers
//! This is a common situation is image processing, where you have an image
//! buffer, such as `&mut [u8]`, `&mut [f32]`, `Vec<u8>` or `Vec<f32>`, that you
//! want to work with as colors. This buffer may, for example, be the content of
//! an image file or shared with the GPU.
//! The downside, compared to having fixed size arrays, is that the length
//! cannot be statically known to be a multiple of the color type's array
//! length. This adds a bit of error handling overhead, as well as for dividing
//! or multiplying the length.
//! ```
//! use palette::{cast::{self, TryComponentsAs}, Srgb};
//! let correct_buffer = [64, 139, 10, 93, 18, 214];
//! let should_be_ok: Result<&[Srgb<u8>], _> = correct_buffer.try_components_as();
//! assert!(should_be_ok.is_ok());
//! let incorrect_buffer = [64, 139, 10, 93, 18, 214, 198, 76];
//! let should_be_err: Result<&[Srgb<u8>], _> = incorrect_buffer.try_components_as();
//! assert!(should_be_err.is_err());
//! ```
//! An alternative, for when the length can be trusted to be correct, is to use
//! methods without the `try_*` prefix, such as `ComponentsAs::components_as`,
//! or the `from_component_*` functions, that panic on error.
//! This works:
//! ```
//! use palette::{cast::ComponentsAs, Srgb};
//! let correct_buffer = [64, 139, 10, 93, 18, 214];
//! let color_buffer: &[Srgb<u8>] = correct_buffer.components_as();
//! ```
//! But this panics:
//! ```should_panic
//! use palette::{cast::ComponentsAs, Srgb};
//! let incorrect_buffer = [64, 139, 10, 93, 18, 214, 198, 76];
//! let color_buffer: &[Srgb<u8>] = incorrect_buffer.components_as();
//! ```
//! ## Casting Single Colors
//! The built-in color types implement `AsRef`, `AsMut`, `From`, `Into`,
//! `TryFrom` and `TryInto` in addition to `ArrayCast` for convenient casting of
//! single colors:
//! ```
//! use core::convert::TryFrom;
//! use palette::Srgb;
//! let color = Srgb::from([23u8, 198, 76]);
//! let array: [u8; 3] = color.into();
//! let slice: &[u8] = color.as_ref();
//! assert!(<&Srgb<u8>>::try_from(slice).is_ok());
//! let short_slice: &[f32] = &[0.1, 0.5];
//! assert!(<&Srgb>::try_from(short_slice).is_err()); // Too few components.
//! ```
//! ## Component Order
//! The component order in an array or slice is not always the same as in the
//! color types. For example, a byte buffer that is encoded as ARGB will not
//! cast to correct `Rgba` values. The components can be reordered after casting
//! by using the [`Packed`] wrapper as an intermediate representation.
//! ```
//! // `PackedArgb` is an alias for `Packed<rgb::channels::Argb, P = u32>`.
//! use palette::{rgb::PackedArgb, cast::ComponentsAs, Srgba};
//! let components = [1.0f32, 0.8, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.6];
//! let colors: &[PackedArgb<_>] = components.components_as();
//! // Notice how the alpha values have moved from the beginning to the end:
//! assert_eq!(Srgba::from(colors[0]), Srgba::new(0.8, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0));
//! assert_eq!(Srgba::from(colors[1]), Srgba::new(0.5, 0.7, 0.6, 1.0));
//! ```
//! # Unsigned Integers
//! Types that implement [`UintCast`] can be cast to and from unsigned integers
//! of the same size. It's a bit more limited than slices and arrays but it's
//! useful for common patterns like representing RGBA values as hexadecimal
//! unsigned integers.
//! The [`Packed`] wrapper can be used as an intermediate format to make
//! unpacking the values as simple as `from` or `into`. It's also possible to
//! choose a channel order to be something other than what the default `From`
//! implementations would use.
//! ```
//! // `PackedArgb` is an alias for `Packed<rgb::channels::Argb, P = u32>`.
//! use palette::{rgb::PackedArgb, cast::UintsAs, Srgba};
//! let raw = [0xFF7F0080u32, 0xFF60BBCC];
//! let colors: &[PackedArgb] = raw.uints_as();
//! assert_eq!(colors.len(), 2);
//! assert_eq!(Srgba::from(colors[0]), Srgba::new(0x7F, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF));
//! assert_eq!(Srgba::from(colors[1]), Srgba::new(0x60, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xFF));
//! ```
mod array;
mod as_arrays_traits;
mod as_components_traits;
mod as_uints_traits;
mod from_into_arrays_traits;
mod from_into_components_traits;
mod from_into_uints_traits;
mod packed;
mod uint;
pub use self::{
array::*, as_arrays_traits::*, as_components_traits::*, as_uints_traits::*,
from_into_arrays_traits::*, from_into_components_traits::*, from_into_uints_traits::*,
packed::*, uint::*,