macro_rules! impl_is_within_bounds {
$ty: ident
{$($component: ident => [$get_min: expr, $get_max: expr]),+}
$(where $($where: tt)+)?
) => {
impl_is_within_bounds!($ty<> {$($component => [$get_min, $get_max]),+} $(where $($where)+)?);
$ty: ident <$($ty_param: ident),*>
{$($component: ident => [$get_min: expr, $get_max: expr]),+}
$(where $($where: tt)+)?
) => {
impl<$($ty_param,)* T> crate::IsWithinBounds for $ty<$($ty_param,)* T>
T: crate::num::PartialCmp,
T::Mask: core::ops::BitAnd<Output = T::Mask>,
fn is_within_bounds(&self) -> T::Mask {
& Option::from($get_max).map_or(crate::BoolMask::from_bool(true), |max|self.$component.lt_eq(&max))
macro_rules! impl_is_within_bounds_hwb {
$ty: ident
$(where $($where: tt)+)?
) => {
impl_is_within_bounds_hwb!($ty<> $(where $($where)+)?);
$ty: ident <$($ty_param: ident),*>
$(where $($where: tt)+)?
) => {
impl<$($ty_param,)* T> crate::IsWithinBounds for $ty<$($ty_param,)* T>
T: crate::num::PartialCmp + core::ops::Add<Output = T> + Clone,
T::Mask: core::ops::BitAnd<Output = T::Mask>,
fn is_within_bounds(&self) -> T::Mask {
self.blackness.gt_eq(&Self::min_blackness()) & self.blackness.lt_eq(&Self::max_blackness()) &
self.whiteness.gt_eq(&Self::min_whiteness()) & self.whiteness.lt_eq(&Self::max_blackness()) &
(self.whiteness.clone() + self.blackness.clone()).lt_eq(&T::max_intensity())
macro_rules! _clamp_value {
($value: expr, $min: expr) => {
crate::clamp_min($value, $min)
($value: expr, $min: expr, $max: expr) => {
crate::clamp($value, $min, $max)
(@assign $value: expr, $min: expr) => {
crate::clamp_min_assign($value, $min)
(@assign $value: expr, $min: expr, $max: expr) => {
crate::clamp_assign($value, $min, $max)
macro_rules! impl_clamp {
$ty: ident
{$($component: ident => [$get_min: expr $(, $get_max: expr)?]),+}
$(other {$($other: ident),+})?
$(where $($where: tt)+)?
) => {
impl_clamp!($ty<> {$($component => [$get_min $(, $get_max)?]),+} $(other {$($other),+})? $(where $($where)+)?);
$ty: ident <$($ty_param: ident),*>
{$($component: ident => [$get_min: expr $(, $get_max: expr)?]),+}
$(other {$($other: ident),+})?
$(where $($where: tt)+)?
) => {
impl<$($ty_param,)* T> crate::Clamp for $ty<$($ty_param,)* T>
T: crate::num::Clamp,
fn clamp(self) -> Self {
Self {
$($component: _clamp_value!(self.$component, $get_min $(, $get_max)?),)+
$($($other: self.$other,)+)?
impl<$($ty_param,)* T> crate::ClampAssign for $ty<$($ty_param,)* T>
T: crate::num::ClampAssign,
fn clamp_assign(&mut self) {
$(_clamp_value!(@assign &mut self.$component, $get_min $(, $get_max)?);)+
macro_rules! impl_clamp_hwb {
$ty: ident
$(phantom: $phantom: ident)?
$(where $($where: tt)+)?
) => {
impl_clamp_hwb!($ty<> $(phantom: $phantom)? $(where $($where)+)?);
$ty: ident <$($ty_param: ident),*>
$(phantom: $phantom: ident)?
$(where $($where: tt)+)?
) => {
impl<$($ty_param,)* T> crate::Clamp for $ty<$($ty_param,)* T>
T: crate::num::One
+ crate::num::Clamp
+ crate::num::PartialCmp
+ core::ops::Add<Output = T>
+ core::ops::DivAssign
+ Clone,
T::Mask: crate::bool_mask::Select<T>,
fn clamp(self) -> Self {
let mut whiteness = crate::clamp_min(self.whiteness.clone(), Self::min_whiteness());
let mut blackness = crate::clamp_min(self.blackness.clone(), Self::min_blackness());
let sum = self.blackness + self.whiteness;
let divisor =, T::one());
whiteness /= divisor.clone();
blackness /= divisor;
Self {hue: self.hue, whiteness, blackness $(, $phantom: self.$phantom)?}
impl<$($ty_param,)* T> crate::ClampAssign for $ty<$($ty_param,)* T>
T: crate::num::One
+ crate::num::ClampAssign
+ crate::num::PartialCmp
+ core::ops::Add<Output = T>
+ core::ops::DivAssign
+ Clone,
T::Mask: crate::bool_mask::Select<T>,
fn clamp_assign(&mut self) {
crate::clamp_min_assign(&mut self.whiteness, Self::min_whiteness());
crate::clamp_min_assign(&mut self.blackness, Self::min_blackness());
let sum = self.blackness.clone() + self.whiteness.clone();
let divisor =, T::one());
self.whiteness /= divisor.clone();
self.blackness /= divisor;
macro_rules! assert_ranges {
(@make_tuple $first:pat, $next:ident,) => (($first, $next));
(@make_tuple $first:pat, $next:ident, $($rest:ident,)*) => (
assert_ranges!(@make_tuple ($first, $next), $($rest,)*)
$ty:ident < $($ty_params:ty),+ >;
clamped {$($clamped:ident: $clamped_from:expr => $clamped_to:expr),+}
clamped_min {$($clamped_min:ident: $clamped_min_from:expr => $clamped_min_to:expr),*}
unclamped {$($unclamped:ident: $unclamped_from:expr => $unclamped_to:expr),*}
) => (
use core::iter::repeat;
use crate::{Clamp, IsWithinBounds};
print!("checking below clamp bounds... ");
let from = $clamped_from;
let to = $clamped_to;
let diff = to - from;
let $clamped = (1..11).map(|i| from - (i as f64 / 10.0) * diff);
let from = $clamped_min_from;
let to = $clamped_min_to;
let diff = to - from;
let $clamped_min = (1..11).map(|i| from - (i as f64 / 10.0) * diff);
let from = $unclamped_from;
let to = $unclamped_to;
let diff = to - from;
let $unclamped = (1..11).map(|i| from - (i as f64 / 10.0) * diff);
for assert_ranges!(@make_tuple (), $($clamped,)+ $($clamped_min,)* $($unclamped,)* ) in repeat(()) $(.zip($clamped))+ $(.zip($clamped_min))* $(.zip($unclamped))* {
let color: $ty<$($ty_params),+> = $ty {
$($clamped: $clamped.into(),)+
$($clamped_min: $clamped_min.into(),)*
$($unclamped: $unclamped.into(),)*
..$ty::default() };
let clamped = color.clamp();
let expected: $ty<$($ty_params),+> = $ty {
$($clamped: $clamped_from.into(),)+
$($clamped_min: $clamped_min_from.into(),)*
$($unclamped: $unclamped.into(),)*
..$ty::default() };
assert_eq!(clamped, expected);
print!("checking within clamp bounds... ");
let from = $clamped_from;
let to = $clamped_to;
let diff = to - from;
let $clamped = (0..11).map(|i| from + (i as f64 / 10.0) * diff);
let from = $clamped_min_from;
let to = $clamped_min_to;
let diff = to - from;
let $clamped_min = (0..11).map(|i| from + (i as f64 / 10.0) * diff);
let from = $unclamped_from;
let to = $unclamped_to;
let diff = to - from;
let $unclamped = (0..11).map(|i| from + (i as f64 / 10.0) * diff);
for assert_ranges!(@make_tuple (), $($clamped,)+ $($clamped_min,)* $($unclamped,)* ) in repeat(()) $(.zip($clamped))+ $(.zip($clamped_min))* $(.zip($unclamped))* {
let color: $ty<$($ty_params),+> = $ty {
$($clamped: $clamped.into(),)+
$($clamped_min: $clamped_min.into(),)*
$($unclamped: $unclamped.into(),)*
..$ty::default() };
let clamped = color.clamp();
assert_eq!(clamped, color);
print!("checking above clamp bounds... ");
let from = $clamped_from;
let to = $clamped_to;
let diff = to - from;
let $clamped = (1..11).map(|i| to + (i as f64 / 10.0) * diff);
let from = $clamped_min_from;
let to = $clamped_min_to;
let diff = to - from;
let $clamped_min = (1..11).map(|i| to + (i as f64 / 10.0) * diff);
let from = $unclamped_from;
let to = $unclamped_to;
let diff = to - from;
let $unclamped = (1..11).map(|i| to + (i as f64 / 10.0) * diff);
for assert_ranges!(@make_tuple (), $($clamped,)+ $($clamped_min,)* $($unclamped,)* ) in repeat(()) $(.zip($clamped))+ $(.zip($clamped_min))* $(.zip($unclamped))* {
let color: $ty<$($ty_params),+> = $ty {
$($clamped: $clamped.into(),)+
$($clamped_min: $clamped_min.into(),)*
$($unclamped: $unclamped.into(),)*
..$ty::default() };
let clamped = color.clamp();
let expected: $ty<$($ty_params),+> = $ty {
$($clamped: $clamped_to.into(),)+
$($clamped_min: $clamped_min.into(),)*
$($unclamped: $unclamped.into(),)*
..$ty::default() };
assert_eq!(clamped, expected);