
Macro be_buffer_add

macro_rules! be_buffer_add {
    ($b:ident, $v:literal) => { ... };
    ($b:ident, {$v:tt : $tag:literal}) => { ... };
    ($b:ident, [$($v:literal),+]) => { ... };
    ($b:ident, $v:tt) => { ... };
Expand description

be_buffer_add!(buffer, value) - Add an item to a be_buffer.

Will call the appropriate insertion method on BeBuffer depending on the values format.

Values can be one of three types:

  1. Single numeric value, ie: 10u16
  2. Array of numeric values, ie: [1u8, 2, 3]
  3. Tagged value: {10u16, “tag_name”}. This will insert the numeric value and attach the provide string tag to the insertion location in the buffer.