
Module widget

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Use the built-in widgets or create your own.


  • Buttons allow your users to perform actions by pressing them.
  • Canvases can be leveraged to draw interactive 2D graphics.
  • Checkboxes can be used to let users make binary choices.
  • Combo boxes display a dropdown list of searchable and selectable options.
  • Containers let you align a widget inside their boundaries.
  • Images display raster graphics in different formats (PNG, JPG, etc.).
  • Keyed widgets can provide hints to ensure continuity.
  • Display interactive elements on top of other widgets.
  • Pane grids let your users split regions of your application and organize layout dynamically.
  • Pick lists display a dropdown list of selectable options.
  • Progress bars visualize the progression of an extended computer operation, such as a download, file transfer, or installation.
  • Radio buttons let users choose a single option from a bunch of options.
  • Rules divide space horizontally or vertically.
  • Scrollables let users navigate an endless amount of content with a scrollbar.
  • Sliders let users set a value by moving an indicator.
  • Svg widgets display vector graphics in your application.
  • Draw and interact with text.
  • Text editors display a multi-line text input for text editing.
  • Text inputs display fields that can be filled with text.
  • Use the built-in theme and styles.
  • Togglers let users make binary choices by toggling a switch.
  • Tooltips display a hint of information over some element when hovered.
  • Sliders let users set a value by moving an indicator.



  • A generic widget that produces a message when pressed.
  • A widget capable of drawing 2D graphics.
  • A box that can be checked.
  • A container that distributes its contents vertically.
  • A widget for searching and selecting a single value from a list of options.
  • A widget that aligns its contents inside of its boundaries.
  • A frame that displays an image while keeping aspect ratio.
  • A widget that only rebuilds its contents when necessary.
  • Emit messages on mouse events.
  • A collection of panes distributed using either vertical or horizontal splits to completely fill the space available.
  • A widget for selecting a single value from a list of options.
  • A bar that displays progress.
  • A circular button representing a choice.
  • A widget that is aware of its dimensions.
  • A container that distributes its contents horizontally.
  • Display a horizontal or vertical rule for dividing content.
  • A widget that can vertically display an infinite amount of content with a scrollbar.
  • An horizontal bar and a handle that selects a single value from a range of values.
  • An amount of empty space.
  • A container that displays children on top of each other.
  • A vector graphics image.
  • A multi-line text input.
  • A field that can be filled with text.
  • A widget that applies any Theme to its contents.
  • A toggler widget.
  • An element to display a widget over another.
  • An vertical bar and a handle that selects a single value from a range of values.



  • ComponentDeprecated
    A reusable, custom widget that uses The Elm Architecture.


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