Module winit::changelog::v0_27

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  • On Wayland, fix byte offset in Ime::Preedit pointing to invalid bytes.


  • On Windows, emit ReceivedCharacter events on system keybindings.
  • On Windows, fixed focus event emission on minimize.
  • On X11, fixed IME crashing during reload.


  • On Windows, added WindowExtWindows::set_undecorated_shadow and WindowBuilderExtWindows::with_undecorated_shadow to draw the drop shadow behind a borderless window.
  • On Windows, fixed default window features (ie snap, animations, shake, etc.) when decorations are disabled.
  • On Windows, fixed ALT+Space shortcut to open window menu.
  • On Wayland, fixed Ime::Preedit not being sent on IME reset.
  • Fixed unbound version specified for raw-window-handle leading to compilation failures.
  • Empty Ime::Preedit event will be sent before Ime::Commit to help clearing preedit.
  • On X11, fixed IME context picking by querying for supported styles beforehand.


  • On macOS, fixed touch phase reporting when scrolling.
  • On X11, fix min, max and resize increment hints not persisting for resizable windows (e.g. on DPI change).
  • On Windows, respect min/max inner sizes when creating the window.
  • For backwards compatibility, Window now (additionally) implements the old version (0.4) of the HasRawWindowHandle trait
  • On Windows, added support for EventLoopWindowTarget::set_device_event_filter.
  • On Wayland, fix user requested WindowEvent::RedrawRequested being delayed by a frame.


  • The minimum supported Rust version was lowered to 1.57.0 and now explicitly tested.
  • On X11, fix crash on start due to inability to create an IME context without any preedit.


  • On Windows, fix hiding a maximized window.
  • On Android, ndk-glue’s NativeWindow lock is now held between Event::Resumed and Event::Suspended.
  • On Web, added EventLoopExtWebSys with a spawn method to start the event loop without throwing an exception.
  • Added WindowEvent::Occluded(bool), currently implemented on macOS and X11.
  • On X11, fix events for caps lock key not being sent
  • Build docs on for iOS and Android as well.
  • Breaking: Removed the WindowAttributes struct, since all its functionality is accessible from WindowBuilder.
  • Added WindowBuilder::transparent getter to check if the user set transparent attribute.
  • On macOS, Fix emitting Event::LoopDestroyed on CMD+Q.
  • On macOS, fixed an issue where having multiple windows would prevent run_return from ever returning.
  • On Wayland, fix bug where the cursor wouldn’t hide in GNOME.
  • On macOS, Windows, and Wayland, add set_cursor_hittest to let the window ignore mouse events.
  • On Windows, added WindowExtWindows::set_skip_taskbar and WindowBuilderExtWindows::with_skip_taskbar.
  • On Windows, added EventLoopBuilderExtWindows::with_msg_hook.
  • On Windows, remove internally unique DC per window.
  • On macOS, remove the need to call set_ime_position after moving the window.
  • Added Window::is_visible.
  • Added Window::is_resizable.
  • Added Window::is_decorated.
  • On X11, fix for repeated event loop iteration when ControlFlow was Wait
  • On X11, fix scale factor calculation when the only monitor is reconnected
  • On Wayland, report unaccelerated mouse deltas in DeviceEvent::MouseMotion.
  • On Web, a focused event is manually generated when a click occurs to emulate behaviour of other backends.
  • Breaking: Bump ndk version to 0.6, ndk-sys to v0.3, ndk-glue to 0.6.
  • Remove no longer needed WINIT_LINK_COLORSYNC environment variable.
  • Breaking: Rename the Exit variant of ControlFlow to ExitWithCode, which holds a value to control the exit code after running. Add an Exit constant which aliases to ExitWithCode(0) instead to avoid major breakage. This shouldn’t affect most existing programs.
  • Add EventLoopBuilder, which allows you to create and tweak the settings of an event loop before creating it.
  • Deprecated EventLoop::with_user_event; use EventLoopBuilder::with_user_event instead.
  • Breaking: Replaced EventLoopExtMacOS with EventLoopBuilderExtMacOS (which also has renamed methods).
  • Breaking: Replaced EventLoopExtWindows with EventLoopBuilderExtWindows (which also has renamed methods).
  • Breaking: Replaced EventLoopExtUnix with EventLoopBuilderExtUnix (which also has renamed methods).
  • Breaking: The platform specific extensions for Windows winit::platform::windows have changed. All HANDLE-like types e.g. HWND and HMENU were converted from winapi types or *mut c_void to isize. This was done to be consistent with the type definitions in windows-sys and to not expose internal dependencies.
  • The internal bindings to the Windows API were changed from the unofficial winapi bindings to the official Microsoft windows-sys bindings.
  • On Wayland, fix polling during consecutive EventLoop::run_return invocations.
  • On Windows, fix race issue creating fullscreen windows with WindowBuilder::with_fullscreen
  • On Android, virtual_keycode for KeyboardInput events is now filled in where a suitable match is found.
  • Added helper methods on ControlFlow to set its value.
  • On Wayland, fix TouchPhase::Ended always reporting the location of the first touch down, unless the compositor sent a cancel or frame event.
  • On iOS, send RedrawEventsCleared even if there are no redraw events, consistent with other platforms.
  • Breaking: Replaced Window::with_app_id and Window::with_class with Window::with_name on WindowBuilderExtUnix.
  • On Wayland, fallback CSD was replaced with proper one:
    • WindowBuilderExtUnix::with_wayland_csd_theme to set color theme in builder.
    • WindowExtUnix::wayland_set_csd_theme to set color theme when creating a window.
    • WINIT_WAYLAND_CSD_THEME env variable was added, it can be used to set “dark”/“light” theme in apps that don’t expose theme setting.
    • wayland-csd-adwaita feature that enables proper CSD with title rendering using FreeType system library.
    • wayland-csd-adwaita-notitle feature that enables CSD but without title rendering.
  • On Wayland and X11, fix window not resizing with Window::set_inner_size after calling Window:set_resizable(false).
  • On Windows, fix wrong fullscreen monitors being recognized when handling WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING messages
  • Breaking: Added new WindowEvent::Ime supported on desktop platforms.
  • Added Window::set_ime_allowed supported on desktop platforms.
  • Breaking: IME input on desktop platforms won’t be received unless it’s explicitly allowed via Window::set_ime_allowed and new WindowEvent::Ime events are handled.
  • On macOS, WindowEvent::Resized is now emitted in frameDidChange instead of windowDidResize.
  • Breaking: On X11, device events are now ignored for unfocused windows by default, use EventLoopWindowTarget::set_device_event_filter to set the filter level.
  • Implemented Default on EventLoop<()>.
  • Implemented Eq for Fullscreen, Theme, and UserAttentionType.
  • Breaking: Window::set_cursor_grab now accepts CursorGrabMode to control grabbing behavior.
  • On Wayland, add support for Window::set_cursor_position.
  • Fix on macOS WindowBuilder::with_disallow_hidpi, setting true or false by the user no matter the SO default value.
  • EventLoopBuilder::build will now panic when the EventLoop is being created more than once.
  • Added From<u64> for WindowId and From<WindowId> for u64.
  • Added MonitorHandle::refresh_rate_millihertz to get monitor’s refresh rate.
  • Breaking, Replaced VideoMode::refresh_rate with VideoMode::refresh_rate_millihertz providing better precision.
  • On Web, add with_prevent_default and with_focusable to WindowBuilderExtWebSys to control whether events should be propagated.
  • On Windows, fix focus events being sent to inactive windows.
  • Breaking, update raw-window-handle to v0.5 and implement HasRawDisplayHandle for Window and EventLoopWindowTarget.
  • On X11, add function register_xlib_error_hook into winit::platform::unix to subscribe for errors coming from Xlib.
  • On Android, upgrade ndk and ndk-glue dependencies to the recently released 0.7.0.
  • All platforms can now be relied on to emit a Resumed event. Applications are recommended to lazily initialize graphics state and windows on first resume for portability.
  • Breaking:: Reverse horizontal scrolling sign in MouseScrollDelta to match the direction of vertical scrolling. A positive X value now means moving the content to the right. The meaning of vertical scrolling stays the same: a positive Y value means moving the content down.
  • On MacOS, fix deadlock when calling set_maximized from event loop.