Nav Bar

COSMIC's Nav Bar is a common element found in most applications with navigatable interfaces. The cosmic::Application trait comes with some predefined methods that can be optionally set to enable integration with the Nav Bar with minimal setup.

First, it is necessary to add the nav_bar::Model to your application's model.

struct AppModel {
    /// A model that contains all of the pages assigned to the nav bar panel.
    nav: nav_bar::Model,

The nav bar can then be enabled by implementing these methods in your cosmic::Application trait.

/// Enable the nav bar to appear in your application when `Some`.
fn nav_model(&self) -> Option<&nav_bar::Model> {

/// Activate the nav item when selected.
fn on_nav_select(&mut self, id: nav_bar::Id) -> Command<Self::Message> {
    // Activate the page in the model.

Items can be added and modified from the init or update methods.

fn init(core: Core, _flags: Self::Flags) -> (Self, Command<Self::Message>) {
    let mut nav = nav_bar::Model::default();

        .text("Page 1")

        .text("Page 2")

        .text("Page 3")

    let mut app = YourApp {

    (app, Command::none())

Each item in the model can hold any number of custom data types, which can be fetched by their type.

if let Some(page) =<Page>().copied() {
    eprintln!("the current page is {page}");