
It is also recommended for applications to provide menu bars whenever they have sufficient need to display a variety of selectable options. See the cosmic::widget::menus module for more details on the APIs available for menu creation.

In the future, menu bars will be a source for interacting with global menus.

Defining MenuAction(s)

Menu bars have their own custom message types. This one will provide just an about settings page.

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum MenuAction {

For this type to be usable with a menu bar, it needs to implement the menu::Action trait. This defines which application message that the menu action should convert into.

impl menu::Action for MenuAction {
    type Message = Message;

    fn message(&self) -> Self::Message {
        match self {
            MenuAction::About => Message::ToggleContextPage(ContextPage::About),


Your preferred key bindings for these menu actions should also be attached to your application's model.

struct AppModel {
    /// Key bindings for the application's menu bar.
    key_binds: HashMap<menu::KeyBind, MenuAction>,

Add to cosmic::Application

You can add then add a menu bar to the start of your application's header bar by defining this method in your cosmic::Application implementation.

/// Elements to pack at the start of the header bar.
fn header_start(&self) -> Vec<Element<Self::Message>> {
    let menu_bar = menu::bar(vec![menu::Tree::with_children(
            vec![menu::Item::Button(fl!("about"), MenuAction::About)],
