pub trait ImprovedDeltaE: DeltaE {
    // Required method
    fn improved_delta_e(self, other: Self) -> Self::Scalar;
Expand description

Calculate the ΔE’ (improved ΔE) color difference between two colors.

The ΔE’ uses the output of DeltaE and enhances it according to Power functions improving the performance of color-difference formulas by Huang et al. Only spaces with specified coefficients implement this trait.

Required Methods§


fn improved_delta_e(self, other: Self) -> Self::Scalar

Calculate the ΔE’ (improved ΔE) color difference metric for self and other, according to the color space’s specification and later improvements by Huang et al.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<T> ImprovedDeltaE for Cam16UcsJab<T>
where Cam16UcsJab<T>: EuclideanDistance<Scalar = T> + DeltaE<Scalar = T>, T: Real + Mul<Output = T> + Powf,


impl<T> ImprovedDeltaE for Cam16UcsJmh<T>


impl<Wp, T> ImprovedDeltaE for Lab<Wp, T>
where Lab<Wp, T>: EuclideanDistance<Scalar = T> + DeltaE<Scalar = T>, T: Real + Mul<Output = T> + Powf,


impl<Wp, T> ImprovedDeltaE for Lch<Wp, T>
where Lab<Wp, T>: FromColorUnclamped<Lch<Wp, T>> + ImprovedDeltaE<Scalar = T>,