Crate cosmic::iced_renderer::graphics::geometry::path::lyon_path

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Data structures and traits to work with paths (vector graphics).

To build and consume paths, see the builder and iterator modules.

This crate is reexported in lyon.


use lyon_path::Path;
use lyon_path::math::{point};
use lyon_path::builder::*;

// Create a builder object to build the path.
let mut builder = Path::builder();

// Build a simple path.
let mut builder = Path::builder();
builder.begin(point(0.0, 0.0));
builder.line_to(point(1.0, 2.0));
builder.line_to(point(2.0, 0.0));
builder.line_to(point(1.0, 1.0));

// Generate the actual path object.
let path =;

for event in &path {
    println!("{:?}", event);


  • Path building utilities.
  • A generic representation for paths that allow more control over how endpoints and control points are stored.
  • Simple 2D geometric primitives on top of euclid.
  • Tools to iterate over paths.
  • f32 version of the lyon_geom types used everywhere. Most other lyon crates reexport them.
  • The default path data structure.
  • A container to store multiple paths contiguously.
  • Specific path types for polygons.
  • lyon_path traits reexported here for convenience.



  • Represents an event or edge of path.
  • The fill rule defines how to determine what is inside and what is outside of the shape.
  • Line cap as defined by the SVG specification.
  • Line join as defined by the SVG specification.
  • The positive or negative side of a vector or segment.
  • The two possible orientations for the edges of a shape to be built in.



  • Interface for objects storing custom attributes associated with endpoints.
  • Interface for types types (typically endpoints and control points) that have a 2D position.
  • Interface for objects storing endpoints and control points positions.

Type Aliases§