
Commands are short-lived async tasks that are spawned onto an async executor on a background thread. They must return a message back to the application upon completion, and cannot directly send messages back to the application until they return.

NOTE: While it is not possible for a command to directly send messages before completion, it is possible to create a subscription from a channel which passes its sender to the application, which may then pass that sender into its commands.


Commands may be created from futures using cosmic::command::future.

fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) -> Command<Self::Message> {
    match message {
        Message::Clicked => {
            self.counter += 1;
            self.counter_text = format!("Clicked {} times", self.counter);
            // Await for 3 seconds in the background, and then request to decrease the counter.
            return cosmic::command::future(async move {
        Message::Decrease =>  {
            self.counter -= 1;
            self.counter_text = format!("Clicked {} times", self.counter);


They can also be batched for concurrent execution, where messages will be received in the order of completion.

fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) -> Command<Self::Message> {
    match message {
        Message::BatchStarted => {
            eprintln!("started handling batch");

        Message::Clicked => {
            self.counter += 1;
            self.counter_text = format!("Clicked {} times", self.counter);
            // Run two async tasks concurrently.
            return cosmic::command::batch(vec![
                // Await for 3 seconds in the background, and then request to decrease the counter.
                cosmic::command::future(async move {
                // Immediately returns a message without waiting.
        Message::Decrease =>  {
            self.counter -= 1;
            self.counter_text = format!("Clicked {} times", self.counter);

Widget Operations

They can also be used to perform an operation onto a widget, such as focusing a button or text input.

return cosmic::widget::button::focus(self.BUTTON_ID);