
Typing accessibility features enhance keyboard input behavior.

Screen Keyboard

Enabling Screen Keyboard will display an interactive keyboard wherever text entry is possible.

Repeat Keys

The default Repeat Keys feature allows key inputs to repeat when a key is held down. Users can configure the delay before this actions occurs, and the repeat speed once the action occurs. Disabling Repeat Keys prevents keys from repeating when held down.

Cursor Blinking

When Cursor Blinking is enabled, the cursor will blink when a text field is selected. Users can also adjust the blink speed.

Typing Assist

Typing Assist settings modify the way a keyboard accepts input from the user.

Typing Assist

Sticky KeysPerform multi-key shortcuts by pressing keys individually instead of holding down multiple keys simultaneously.
Slow KeysIncrease the delay between the time a key is pressed and when it appears on the screen.
Bounce KeysIgnore subsequent key presses if they occur too quickly on the same key.