GNOME Shell Extensions

GNOME Shell extensions are features written by third party developers that build upon the GNOME Shell. Extensions are similar to Chrome Extensions or Firefox Addons.

  • GNOME Extensions is an official GNOME application for managing these extensions.
  • Extension Manager is a utility for browsing and installing extensions. While this is not an official GNOME application, it is supported by the GNOME team.

Both applications provide menus for configuring, disabling, or removing installed extensions.

Installing the GNOME Extensions & Extension Manager Apps

GNOME Extensions is installed by default in Pop!_OS, but if it is removed it can be reinstalled using the Pop!_Shop. The GNOME Extension Manager is not installed by default. To install either of these applications, launch the Pop!_Shop and type extensions, then click Install for each application.

Install Extensions App

Built-In Extensions

Components packaged in Pop!_OS are listed in the Built-In section. Toggle the switches to enable or disable an extension.

Built-in Ext

These features comprise the Computer Operating System Main Interface Components (COSMIC).

Cosmic DockProvides a customizable dock for launching and switching applications.
Cosmic WorkspacesProvides a vertically-stacked workspace switcher.
Desktop Icons NG (DING)Provides desktop icons with drag-and-drop functionality.
Pop COSMICProvides the standalone Applications menu, and ties other COSMIC extensions together with small tweaks.
Pop ShellProvides quick and sensible navigation and management of windows with tiling.
System76 PowerProvides graphical tools for managing the graphics mode on switchable-graphics systems.

Installing Additional Extensions

Launch the Extension Manager application. Select Browse at the top of the window. Use the search bar to find an extension. Click Install to install the extension.

Select Browse

Changing an Extension's Settings

Developers will include unique settings to tweak the functionality of their extension. Extension settings are managed from the User-Installed Extensions list.

User Installed

Toggle the switch next to the listed extension to enable or disable it. Click the gear icon to view specific settings for an extension.

Gear Icon

Removing Extensions

Select the chevron to the right of the extension's listing. This will expand a menu. Click the Remove button to uninstall the extension.

Remove Extension