Directly Editing Repository Configuration Files

Add and remove repositories by directly editing text files located in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ (apt repositories) or ~/.local/share/flatpak/repo/ (Flatpak repositories).

Manually Adding apt Repositories

In order to manually create a text file for a repository, it's important to understand the deb822 format. This format organizes a repository's attributes into human-readable fields.

X-Repolib-NameDefine the name of the source. This is used by Repoman in the Source column of the Extra Sources tab.
EnabledEnable or disables the repository.
TypesDefine whether the repository hosts binary packages, source files, or both.
URIsProvide the repository's address.
SuitesAdd the sources used to update packages. This field corresponds with the toggle switches in the Updates tab in Repoman.
ComponentsSpecify if the source should include software that is open-source, closed-source, officially supported by Canonical, or community-maintained. This option corresponds with the toggle switches in the Settings tab in Repoman.

For example, here is the deb822-formatted file for Pop!_OS's 22.04 proprietary application repository:

X-Repolib-Name: Pop_OS Apps
Enabled: yes
Types: deb
Suites: jammy
Components: main

To manually create an apt source, open the Terminal and navigate to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/:

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

Create a new text file using nano, or a text editor of your choice:

sudo nano [my-new-source-name].sources

Define the fields for your source:

Define Source Fields in Text Editor

Save your text file. Use the apt-manage tool with the list option to verify the apt source has been added:

apt-manage list

Verify Manually Added Source with Apt-Manage

Manually Removing apt Repositories

Open the Terminal and navigate to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

Use the rm command with the source's filename to remove an apt source.

sudo rm [SourceFileName]

Manually Remove Debian Source File

Use the ls command to list the current sources and confirm the source has been removed.


List Debian Source File After Manual Removal

Manually Adding Flatpak Repositories

All fields for a remote repository are described in the Flatpak command reference.

[remote "repo-name"]Define the name of the repository.
urlSpecify the repository's location.
xa.title*Define the title of the repository.
gpg-verifySpecify if GPG verification should be used for content in this repository.
gpg-verify-summarySpecify if GPG verification should be used for the summary.
xa.comment*Add an optional comment.
xa.description*Add an optional full-paragraph description.
xa.icon*Add an optional URL that points to an icon.

*These options are often used to represent the remote repository in a GUI program.

This example shows the config file entry for the Flatub beta repository:

[remote "flathub-beta"]
xa.title=Flathub beta
xa.comment=Beta builds of Flatpak applications
xa.description=Beta builds of Flatpak applications

To manually add a Flatpak remote repository, open the Terminal and navigate to ~/.local/share/flatpak/repo:

cd ~/.local/share/flatpak/repo

Open the config file using nano, or your preferred text editor:

nano config

At minimum, a Flatpak remote repository should contain these fields:

[remote "New Flatpak Repository"]

Define Fields for Flatpak Repo

Save the config file and exit your text editor.

Use the flatpak command with the remote-list option to verify the new Flatpak repository has been added:

flatpak remote-list

Verify Manually Added Flatpak Repo

Manually Removing Flatpak Repositories

Open the Terminal and navigate to ~/.local/share/flatpak/repo/.

cd ~/.local/share/flatpak/repo/

Open the config file using nano, or your preferred text editor:

nano config

Delete the lines that define the Flatpak repository you want to remove:

Delete Flatpack Repo Lines

Save the file and exit your text editor.

Use the flatpak command with the remote-list option to verify the new Flatpak repository has been removed:

flatpak remote-list

Verify Manually Deleted Flatpak Repository