
Workspaces serve to reduce window clutter, especially on smaller displays.

Using Workspaces

Show and access workspaces by clicking on the workspaces icon in the dock, clicking Workspaces in the top left corner of your screen, or by pressing SUPER + D.

The open windows for a given workspace will display when that workspace is selected.

Click and drag applications between workspaces as needed.

Selecting a window and pressing SUPER + Shift + the 🠑 or 🠓 keys will move a window to a different workspace.

Press the SUPER + Ctrl + the 🠑 or 🠓 to move between workspaces.

Keyboard Shortcuts

SUPER + Ctrl + ↑/↓Navigate between workspaces
SUPER + Home/EndNavigate to the first/last workspace
SUPER + Shift + Direction keysMove the active window between workspaces or displays
SUPER + DView all workspaces and running applications