
The Pop!_Shop does not include all applications available for installation in Pop!_OS. Eddy is an alternative GUI application that can handle installation of Debian packages downloaded from the internet.

Installing Deb Packages with Eddy

Eddy is an open-source Debian package installer that comes pre-installed with Pop!_OS.

  1. Download the application's .deb file. When given file options, choose the version that matches your CPU architecture.

    Download Deb

  2. Open the file. .Deb files should open using Eddy by default. If prompted, choose Eddy as the file handler.

    Open File

  3. Click on Install and enter the user password if prompted.

    Click Install

    If your Debian package has already been downloaded locally, navigate to the package and double-click it. Eddy will handle the deb file by default.

    Click Package

Removing Deb Packages with Eddy

Launch Eddy and click Open. Then, navigate to the Debian package that you used to install the application.

Navigate to Deb

Click Uninstall.

Click Uninstall