Workspaces Settings

Workspace placement and behavior is controlled in the Workspaces tab. Learn more about using Workspaces in the Using Workspaces section.

Workspace Settings

Dynamic Workspaces

Automatically remove workspaces when they contain no active windows, and automatically generate new workspaces when a window is dragged to the next lowest workspace.

Fixed Number of Workspaces

Specify a static number of workspaces.

Multi-monitor Behavior

Workspaces Span Displays (Default)

All connected displays are treated as one desktop. Windows/Applications can be moved between displays without being moved to another workspace. Switching to a workspace above or below switches all monitors to the next workspace.

Workspaces on Primary Display Only

Workspace navigation only affects the monitor set as the primary display. Switching workspaces leaves applications/windows on secondary displays in view.

Placement of the Workspace Picker

Specify whether the workspace picker appears along the left or right side of the screen.

Workspace Picker