Bookmarks & Starred Items

Bookmarking and starring items makes them quickly accessible within Nautilus.

Adding Bookmarks

Adding a bookmark pins a folder below the locations listed on the left. These folders can be quickly accessed without navigating through directories.

Navigate into the folder that you want to pin as a bookmark. Right-click the blank space within the folder and select Add to Bookmarks.

Add to Bookmarks

You can also left-lick and drag the folder over to the left panel.

Remove a bookmark by right-clicking it and select Remove.

Remove Bookmark

Starred Items

Similar to bookmarks, starred files and folders can be quickly accessed in the Starred section in the left panel.

To star an file or folder, right-click it and select Star.

Star Item

Starred items can be removed from the Starred section by right-clicking and selecting Unstar.

Unstar Item