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// Copyright 2019 H�ctor Ram�n, Iced contributors
// Copyright 2023 System76 <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
//! Change the appearance of a text input.
use iced_core::{border::Radius, Background, Color};
/// The appearance of a text input.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Appearance {
/// The [`Background`] of the text input.
pub background: Background,
/// The border radius of the text input.
pub border_radius: Radius,
/// The border offset
pub border_offset: Option<f32>,
/// The border width of the text input.
pub border_width: f32,
/// The border [`Color`] of the text input.
pub border_color: Color,
/// The label [`Color`] of the text input.
pub label_color: Color,
/// The placeholder text [`Color`].
pub placeholder_color: Color,
/// The text [`Color`] of the text input.
pub selected_text_color: Color,
/// The icon [`Color`] of the text input.
pub icon_color: Option<Color>,
/// The text [`Color`] of the text input.
pub text_color: Option<Color>,
/// The selected fill [`Color`] of the text input.
pub selected_fill: Color,
/// A set of rules that dictate the style of a text input.
pub trait StyleSheet {
/// The supported style of the [`StyleSheet`].
type Style: Default;
/// Produces the style of an active text input.
fn active(&self, style: &Self::Style) -> Appearance;
/// Produces the style of an errored text input.
fn error(&self, style: &Self::Style) -> Appearance;
/// Produces the style of a focused text input.
fn focused(&self, style: &Self::Style) -> Appearance;
/// Produces the style of an hovered text input.
fn hovered(&self, style: &Self::Style) -> Appearance {
/// Produces the style of a disabled text input.
fn disabled(&self, style: &Self::Style) -> Appearance;