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#![allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc, clippy::needless_lifetimes)]
use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::mem;
use core::ptr::{drop_in_place, read, NonNull};
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::alloc::{dealloc, Layout};
// Self referential structs are currently not supported with safe vanilla Rust.
// The only reasonable safe alternative is to expect the user to juggle 2 separate
// data structures which is a mess. The library solution rental is both no longer
// maintained and really heavy to compile. So begrudgingly I rolled my own version.
// These are some of the core invariants we require for this to be safe to use.
// 1. owner is initialized when UnsafeSelfCell is constructed.
// 2. owner is NEVER changed again.
// 3. The pointer to owner and dependent never changes, even when moved.
// 4. The only access to owner and dependent is as immutable reference.
// 5. owner lives longer than dependent.
pub struct JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent> {
pub owner: Owner,
pub dependent: Dependent,
// Library controlled struct that marks all accesses as unsafe.
// Because the macro generated struct impl can be extended, could be unsafe.
pub struct UnsafeSelfCell<ContainedIn, Owner, DependentStatic: 'static> {
joined_void_ptr: NonNull<u8>,
// ContainedIn is necessary for type safety since we don't fully
// prohibit access to the UnsafeSelfCell; swapping between different
// structs can be unsafe otherwise, see Issue #17.
contained_in_marker: PhantomData<ContainedIn>,
owner_marker: PhantomData<Owner>,
// DependentStatic is only used to correctly derive Send and Sync.
dependent_marker: PhantomData<DependentStatic>,
impl<ContainedIn, Owner, DependentStatic> UnsafeSelfCell<ContainedIn, Owner, DependentStatic> {
pub unsafe fn new(joined_void_ptr: NonNull<u8>) -> Self {
Self {
contained_in_marker: PhantomData,
owner_marker: PhantomData,
dependent_marker: PhantomData,
// Calling any of these *unsafe* functions with the wrong Dependent type is UB.
pub unsafe fn borrow_owner<'a, Dependent>(&'a self) -> &'a Owner {
let joined_ptr = self.joined_void_ptr.cast::<JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent>>();
pub unsafe fn borrow_dependent<'a, Dependent>(&'a self) -> &'a Dependent {
let joined_ptr = self.joined_void_ptr.cast::<JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent>>();
pub unsafe fn borrow_mut<'a, Dependent>(&'a mut self) -> (&'a Owner, &'a mut Dependent) {
let joined_ptr = self.joined_void_ptr.cast::<JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent>>();
// This function used to return `&'a mut JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent>`.
// It now creates two references to the fields instead to avoid claiming mutable access
// to the whole `JoinedCell` (including the owner!) here.
&mut (*joined_ptr.as_ptr()).dependent,
// Any subsequent use of this struct other than dropping it is UB.
pub unsafe fn drop_joined<Dependent>(&mut self) {
let joined_ptr = self.joined_void_ptr.cast::<JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent>>();
// Also used in case drop_in_place(...dependent) fails
let _guard = OwnerAndCellDropGuard { joined_ptr };
// IMPORTANT dependent must be dropped before owner.
// We don't want to rely on an implicit order of struct fields.
// So we drop the struct, field by field manually.
drop_in_place(&mut (*joined_ptr.as_ptr()).dependent);
// Dropping owner
// and deallocating
// due to _guard at end of scope.
pub unsafe fn into_owner<Dependent>(self) -> Owner {
let joined_ptr = self.joined_void_ptr.cast::<JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent>>();
// In case drop_in_place(...dependent) fails
let drop_guard = OwnerAndCellDropGuard::new(joined_ptr);
// Drop dependent
drop_in_place(&mut (*joined_ptr.as_ptr()).dependent);
let owner_ptr: *const Owner = &(*joined_ptr.as_ptr()).owner;
// Move owner out so it can be returned.
// Must not read before dropping dependent!! (Which happened above.)
let owner = read(owner_ptr);
// Deallocate JoinedCell
let layout = Layout::new::<JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent>>();
dealloc(self.joined_void_ptr.as_ptr(), layout);
unsafe impl<ContainedIn, Owner, DependentStatic> Send
for UnsafeSelfCell<ContainedIn, Owner, DependentStatic>
// Only derive Send if Owner and DependentStatic is also Send
Owner: Send,
DependentStatic: Send,
unsafe impl<ContainedIn, Owner, DependentStatic> Sync
for UnsafeSelfCell<ContainedIn, Owner, DependentStatic>
// Only derive Sync if Owner and DependentStatic is also Sync
Owner: Sync,
DependentStatic: Sync,
// This struct is used to safely deallocate only the owner if dependent
// construction fails.
// mem::forget it once it's no longer needed or dtor will be UB.
pub struct OwnerAndCellDropGuard<Owner, Dependent> {
joined_ptr: NonNull<JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent>>,
impl<Owner, Dependent> OwnerAndCellDropGuard<Owner, Dependent> {
pub unsafe fn new(joined_ptr: NonNull<JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent>>) -> Self {
Self { joined_ptr }
impl<Owner, Dependent> Drop for OwnerAndCellDropGuard<Owner, Dependent> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
struct DeallocGuard {
ptr: *mut u8,
layout: Layout,
impl Drop for DeallocGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { dealloc(self.ptr, self.layout) }
// Deallocate even when the drop_in_place(...owner) panics
let _guard = DeallocGuard {
ptr: self.joined_ptr.as_ptr() as *mut u8,
layout: Layout::new::<JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent>>(),
unsafe {
// We must only drop owner and the struct itself,
// The whole point of this drop guard is to clean up the partially
// initialized struct should building the dependent fail.
drop_in_place(&mut (*self.joined_ptr.as_ptr()).owner);
// Deallocation happens at end of scope
// Older versions of rust do not support addr_of_mut!. What we want to do here
// is to emulate the behavior of that macro by going (incorrectly) via a
// reference cast. Technically this is UB, but testing does not show the older
// compiler versions (ab)using this. For discussions about this behavior see
// and
// and
// Because of 'procedural macros cannot expand to macro definitions'
// we have wrap this in functions.
impl<Owner, Dependent> JoinedCell<Owner, Dependent> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "old_rust"))]
pub unsafe fn _field_pointers(this: *mut Self) -> (*mut Owner, *mut Dependent) {
let owner_ptr = core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*this).owner);
let dependent_ptr = core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*this).dependent);
(owner_ptr, dependent_ptr)
#[cfg(feature = "old_rust")]
pub unsafe fn _field_pointers(this: *mut Self) -> (*mut Owner, *mut Dependent) {
let owner_ptr = core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*this).owner);
let dependent_ptr = core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*this).dependent);
(owner_ptr, dependent_ptr)
#[cfg(feature = "old_rust")]
pub unsafe fn _field_pointers(this: *mut Self) -> (*mut Owner, *mut Dependent) {
// See comment above, technically this is UB.
let owner_ptr = &mut (*this).owner as *mut Owner;
let dependent_ptr = &mut (*this).dependent as *mut Dependent;
(owner_ptr, dependent_ptr)
/// Wrapper type that allows creating a self-referential type that hold a mutable borrow `&mut T`.
/// Example usage:
/// ```
/// use self_cell::{self_cell, MutBorrow};
/// type MutStringRef<'a> = &'a mut String;
/// self_cell!(
/// struct MutStringCell {
/// owner: MutBorrow<String>,
/// #[covariant]
/// dependent: MutStringRef,
/// }
/// );
/// let mut cell = MutStringCell::new(MutBorrow::new("abc".into()), |owner| owner.borrow_mut());
/// cell.with_dependent_mut(|_owner, dependent| {
/// assert_eq!(dependent, &"abc");
/// dependent.pop();
/// assert_eq!(dependent, &"ab");
/// });
/// let recovered_owner: String = cell.into_owner().into_inner();
/// assert_eq!(recovered_owner, "ab");
/// ```
pub struct MutBorrow<T> {
// Private on purpose.
is_locked: AtomicBool,
value: UnsafeCell<T>,
impl<T> MutBorrow<T> {
/// Constructs a new `MutBorrow`.
pub fn new(value: T) -> Self {
// Use the Rust type system to model an affine type that can only go from unlocked -> locked
// but never the other way around.
Self {
is_locked: AtomicBool::new(false),
value: UnsafeCell::new(value),
/// Obtains a mutable reference to the underlying data.
/// This function can only sensibly be used in the builder function. Afterwards, it's impossible
/// to access the inner value, with the exception of [`MutBorrow::into_inner`].
/// # Panics
/// Will panic if called anywhere but in the dependent constructor. Will also panic if called
/// more than once.
pub fn borrow_mut(&self) -> &mut T {
// Ensure this function can only be called once.
// Relaxed should be fine, because only one thread could ever read `false` anyway,
// so further synchronization is pointless.
let was_locked = self.is_locked.swap(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
if was_locked {
panic!("Tried to access locked MutBorrow")
} else {
// SAFETY: `self.is_locked` starts out as locked and can never be unlocked again, which
// guarantees that this function can only be called once. And the `self.value` being
// private ensures that there are no other references to it.
unsafe { &mut *self.value.get() }
/// Consumes `self` and returns the wrapped value.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
// SAFETY: The reasoning why it is safe to share `MutBorrow` across threads is as follows: The
// `AtomicBool` `is_locked` ensures that only ever exactly one thread can get access to the inner
// value. In that sense it works like a critical section, that begins when `borrow_mut()` is called
// and that ends when the outer `MutBorrow` is dropped. Once one thread acquired the unique
// reference through `borrow_mut()` no other interaction with the inner value MUST ever be possible
// while the outer `MutBorrow` is alive.
unsafe impl<T: Send> Sync for MutBorrow<T> {}