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// Copyright 2022 System76 <info@system76.com>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
//! A widget providing a conjoined set of linear items that function in conjunction as a single button.
//! ## Example
//! Add the model and a message variant in your application for handling selections.
//! ```ignore
//! use iced_core::Length;
//! use cosmic::theme;
//! use cosmic::widget::segmented_button;
//! enum AppMessage {
//! Selected(segmented_button::Key)
//! }
//! struct App {
//! model: segmented_button::SingleSelectModel,
//! }
//! ```
//! Then add choices to the model, while activating the first.
//! ```ignore
//! application.model = segmented_button::Model::builder()
//! .insert(|b| b.text("Choice A").data(0u16))
//! .insert(|b| b.text("Choice B").data(1u16))
//! .insert(|b| b.text("Choice C").data(2u16))
//! .build();
//! ```
//! Or incrementally insert items with
//! ```ignore
//! let id = application.model.insert()
//! .text("Choice C")
//! .icon("custom-icon")
//! .data(3u16)
//! .data("custom-meta")
//! .id();
//! ```
//! Then use it in the view method to create segmented button widgets.
//! ```ignore
//! let widget = segmented_button::horizontal(&application.model)
//! .style(theme::SegmentedButton::ViewSeitcher)
//! .button_height(32)
//! .button_padding([16, 10, 16, 10])
//! .button_spacing(8)
//! .icon_size(16)
//! .spacing(8)
//! .on_activate(AppMessage::Selected);
//! ```
//! And respond to events like so:
//! ```ignore
//! match message {
//! AppMessage::Selected(id) => {
//! application.model.activate(id);
//! if let Some(number) = application.model.data::<u16>(id) {
//! println!("activated item with number {number}");
//! }
//! if let Some(text) = application.text(id) {
//! println!("activated button with text {text}");
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! ```
mod horizontal;
mod model;
mod style;
mod vertical;
mod widget;
pub use self::horizontal::{horizontal, HorizontalSegmentedButton};
pub use self::model::{
BuilderEntity, Entity, EntityMut, Model, ModelBuilder, MultiSelect, MultiSelectEntityMut,
MultiSelectModel, Selectable, SingleSelect, SingleSelectEntityMut, SingleSelectModel,
pub use self::style::{Appearance, ItemAppearance, ItemStatusAppearance, StyleSheet};
pub use self::vertical::{vertical, VerticalSegmentedButton};
pub use self::widget::{focus, Id, SegmentedButton, SegmentedVariant};
/// Associates extra data with an external secondary map.
/// The secondary map internally uses a `Vec`, so should only be used for data that
pub type SecondaryMap<T> = slotmap::SecondaryMap<Entity, T>;
/// Associates extra data with an external sparse secondary map.
/// Sparse maps internally use a `HashMap`, for data that is sparsely associated.
pub type SparseSecondaryMap<T> = slotmap::SparseSecondaryMap<Entity, T>;