into_heads.rsuse proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use crate::info_structures::{Options, StructInfo};
pub fn make_into_heads(info: &StructInfo, options: Options) -> (TokenStream, TokenStream) {
let visibility = if options.do_pub_extras {
} else {
syn::parse_quote! { pub(super) }
let mut code = Vec::new();
let mut field_initializers = Vec::new();
let mut head_fields = Vec::new();
let internal_struct = &info.internal_ident;
for field in info.fields.iter().rev() {
let field_name = &field.name;
if field.self_referencing {
code.push(quote! { ::core::mem::drop(this.#field_name); });
} else {
code.push(quote! { let #field_name = this.#field_name; });
if field.is_borrowed() {
.push(quote! { #field_name: ::ouroboros::macro_help::unbox(#field_name) });
} else {
field_initializers.push(quote! { #field_name });
let field_type = &field.typ;
head_fields.push(quote! { #visibility #field_name: #field_type });
for (ty, ident) in info.generic_consumers() {
head_fields.push(quote! { #ident: ::core::marker::PhantomData<#ty> });
field_initializers.push(quote! { #ident: ::core::marker::PhantomData });
let documentation = format!(
"A struct which contains only the ",
"[head fields](https://docs.rs/ouroboros/latest/ouroboros/attr.self_referencing.html#definitions) of [`{0}`]({0})."
let generic_params = info.generic_params();
let generic_where = &info.generics.where_clause;
let heads_struct_def = quote! {
#visibility struct Heads <#generic_params> #generic_where {
let documentation = concat!(
"This function drops all internally referencing fields and returns only the ",
"[head fields](https://docs.rs/ouroboros/latest/ouroboros/attr.self_referencing.html#definitions) of this struct."
let documentation = if !options.do_no_doc {
quote! {
} else {
quote! { #[doc(hidden)] }
let generic_args = info.generic_arguments();
let into_heads_fn = quote! {
#visibility fn into_heads(self) -> Heads<#(#generic_args),*> {
let this_ptr = &self as *const _;
let this: #internal_struct<#(#generic_args),*> = unsafe { ::core::mem::transmute_copy(&*this_ptr) };
Heads {
(heads_struct_def, into_heads_fn)